Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Weekend without the kids...

We don't get a lot of time away from the kids. So when we do, we seem to try and cram as many activities in as possible. So when j signed up for a triathlon last weekend, we decided to try to make the most of the weekend.

First, of  course, was j's sprint triathlon.
Swim (that's her after being the first to make the turn)



She finished 2nd in her age group

Then we rented a boat to travel around Kentucky Lake.
I took a dip

j relaxing on the boat

We found the campsite that j's been going to with her parents her whole life

This is Eggner's Ferry Bridge that was famous for getting a span knocked out by a ship carry a rocket for NASA (be sure to check out the 2nd picture in the article). The replacement span is the straight one on the right.

 SCUBA on Sunday. We hadn't been SCUBA diving since before cmb was born, but we were about an hour away from the location where we originally trained, so we included it just to test some new equipment and give ourselves a refresher (we hope to take a real vacation within a year for some serious diving). Things have definitely changed in the 9 years since we've been there last, but we still had fun.
View of Pennyroyal Scuba Center from the office.

Fish in a van.

j says hello

That there is an RV (and me)

We were home by Sunday, and already missed the kids severely. But they didn't seem much to mind.

Finally, I wanted to get a video posted of cmb doing his flip.


Anonymous said...
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Mark Baker said...

Is this thing still on?