Saturday, December 19, 2009

Snowed in...

Well, we were planning on going up to NYC this weekend, but there was the threat of snow. After talking about it, we decided that it was best not to travel on the roads. As of 9pm tonight, here's my back porch:

From the kitchen window, here is the table again. It looks like it's about 18 inches (that's what she said...).

Anyway, we probably made the right decision by staying in Philly. We'll have to make a special trip to NYC during Christmas time sometime in the future. We will definitely take more pics with CMB tomorrow in the snow, but I'll leave you with a picture of CMB and me at j's work Holiday Party.

Thursday, December 17, 2009


As with any job, sometimes you can benefit from the hobbies of your coworkers. Someone in the lab the floor below ours likes to bake. So when I returned from lunch today, she had left this on my desk:

I don't know if I'm more excited about the cupcake, or the fact that it says 'Science!' on it. I will let my belly have the final say. Yes, I am a nerd.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Sleeping through the night...

So, I've always the problem with newborns are that they don't sleep through the night. Therefore, you don't sleep through the night. And that's why Mom and Dad walk like drones through the day because of lack of sleep.

Well, I'll have to say that cmb has been pretty easy on us. He usually only wakes up once around 2:30ish to eat, then doesn't wake up again until close to 6, when we are getting up for work anyway. We've been pretty fortunate this way.

The other night, he slept (or at least didn't cry) from 11-5:30, beating his previous record by 2.5 hours. The thing is, Jen woke up at 3 to pump, and then I woke up about every half hour after expecting him to cry and hoping to hear him breathing. I even got up once to make sure he was okay. Felt pretty paranoid. Maybe that's parenthood.

Anyway, last night, he woke up 3 times... so much for sleeping through the night.