Tuesday, November 2, 2010

You say it's your birthday...

Wow, I can't believe it has been a year already. c keeps growing like a weed. He's now 30 inches long (50th percentile, which is good for any child of mine) and 25 lbs (75 percentile). And now he's starting to walk, it's really cute.

c turned 1 last week. Rather than throw something here in Memphis, we decided to go up to Louisville to celebrate with the whole family (luckily my brother e's family came down from Chicago) and some friends. We were able to make it a dual celebration with c's cousin n.

c seemed overwhelmed (and confused) with the presents, but since we've gotten home he's taken to them quite well. But he certainly enjoyed the chocolate cake and all the other kids that were around (6 cousins plus the 2 daughters of our friends, since my family is intrigued that babies come in female form).

Enjoy the pics:

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