Wednesday, March 11, 2009

I'm pathetic

My laptop died over the weekend. I took it to the repair shop on Monday, they said they will have a diagnosis (not fixed, just a diagnosis) by Friday. While it is entirely frustrating to wait that long, I'm more concerned with the fact that I can't function without my laptop anymore. At school, I've been using a general lab computer, and it sucks because I'm not at my desk and I'm in the middle of a heavy traffic area. At home, I had to unhook my desktop from my television, to an old school monitor so I can actually get some work done. I'm helpless.


Mark Baker said...

I would be the same way, dude.... (said the guy typing from his laptop watching the Big East tourney).

Unknown said...

The real question is what do you normally look at that being in a heavy traffic area is a problem???

orthogirl said...

uh, he looks at porn, dumbass

orthogirl said...

no wait, I meant really exciting pictures of little cells growing in culture!

ralfyves said...

In my defense, you guys know me, high traffic areas means I'm going to be easily distracted by the many coming and going by. I mean, you've seen me eat lunch, I talk so much that I'm always the 2nd to last one finished (the last being The Lip).

Unknown said...

easily distracted by the ladies? and who is the lip? Who replaced me as the last one done? I want the truth?