Sunday, September 7, 2008

Weekend madness...

So a few thoughts from this weekend. (warning, j usually proofreads, and she's asleep, please forgive my stream of consciousness writing)

1. Yesterday, j and I went up to our old neighborhood, Manayunk, to watch the Red Bull Soapbox Race. Now you might have seen their commercials where people construct creative soapboxes and race them down hills or fly off a ramp (and come crashing into water). Well, I don't know about the hills they use in those commercial, but this one is known as "The Wall," a 17% grade at parts, and I've seen estimates of 10-14% for the ~1/2 mile hill. Plus, you need to factor in the remnants of hurricane Hannah, which made the event (and the spectating) that much more adventurous. There were several interesting designs, you can find pictures here (not ours, we didn't take many trying not to ruin our camera); but our favorites included:

Great Scott!: Doc Brown going down in the Delorean after filling up "Mr Fushion" with Red Bull

The Whack-a-Mole-bile: Had a fun little act before they ran down the hill.

Cheesesteak Chariot: A cheesesteak with a bucket-o-fries trailer.

There were some scary looking tumbles (a Jacko running off with a baby carriage went down at breakneck speed and went head over heels after finishing with the best time at that point), we were completely soaked, but a good time was had by all.

2. We've recently been hooked on Mad Men. It's very differently paced (ie kind of slow/deliberate) than most shows I watch, but the main character has kind of a George Clooney appeal to him. Since we've started watching, we've been exposed to different commercials, but this is by far the best thing I never knew existed:

I never knew that General Hospital Night Shift existed, but this is great in a terrible type of way. As j said, "I thought that was called Grey's Anatomy."

3. The Louisville Cardinals can still score, if they play a team as bad as Tennessee Tech. The verdict is still out for this team, but the Big East is really down this year. So we might still have a chance to compete. The St Louis Cardinals finally started to crack (actually about 3 weeks ago, they actually won two this weekend) after a season where they've exceeded expectations. Since the All Star break, even Pujol's .375/.467/.716 can't carry this bullpen or a rotation that just missed Wainwright for too long and never really got Carpenter back. Here's hoping for both of them to come back healthy next season, where I think we can really compete again.

Have a busy week coming up, but have many thoughts about the campaign and my first campaign donation of my life I hope to blog on this week...

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