Sunday, August 17, 2008

I love the interweb...

Although you do make me waste too much time...

I found this while on the NYTimes website the other day. The most recent article about renouncing his Star Wars fanhood is pretty spot on. But I then became somewhat addicted to the site as I read some previous articles because the guy has some fairly similar tastes in movies, I relate to being on the East Coast after growing up in the South/Midwest city that is Louisville (he's from St Louis), and he is a huge St Louis Cardinals fan.

I would like to point out that I do have to disagree slightly on The Phantom Menace in that the fight scene at the end between Darth Maul and Obi-wan and Qui-Gon saved the movie during the immediate aftermath because it remained the best fight scene in all 6 movies.

He writes for a website, and I've read a couple of his blogs. This one in particular is interesting because I largely had the same experience with "Rocky III" and "Tron;" and I rarely find anyone who references "The Last Starfighter." I will argue that "the Great Muppet Caper" has withstood the test of time for me. Maybe it's because my love for the simple humor of the Muppets (similar to my love for Homer Simpson), but I still love this movie.

Finally, I found this post from the first month of his blog with is absolutely hysterical if you go all the way to the end (and you are a St Louis fan)...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I do admit, the only parts of TPM I enjoy is anything with Maul in it. So yes, I do agree with you about the end lightsaber battle, sir.