Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Ode to Southside (while taking a swipe at Lexington)

So, some of you may remember t's old tshirt that he thought up and had his brother make for him. The slogan was "Lexington (really large text) It's just a suburb (small text)" and the shirt's only graphic was a straight line with a single blue monolith in the middle, representing the horizon and Lexington's silhouette with its only "large" 5th/3rd building. This was during the hype before the Louisville-Jefferson County merger, when Lexington (which already had combine city/county) claimed they would be larger than Louisville in a few years. I had in my mind a series of shirts to follow, and due to a recent discovery of the www.whylouisville.com, I thought I might submit some design ideas. So here is one of the ideas I've had for a while, though I'm not sold on the slogan (maybe add a question mark after Lexington), I like the basic theme and the graphic.

Here is a sample of what the shirts might look like. The SSL is a rough draft of my Southside Louisville logo. I considered similar shirts for different regions including "Lexington? I'd rather be in J-town" with a gaslight graphic... I'm openly soliciting opinions

UPDATE: Response from whylouisville.com

"we get enough grief about our Keep Lexington Lame shirt!

Dont want to over do it so we'll pass"



Anonymous said...

Lexington: I'd rather spend my time at Phoenix Hill hanging with cooler, smarter, and much more sophisticated people

Anonymous said...

Lexington: Where we hump UK's leg.

Mark Baker said...

You could like Lexington for the same reason you like Philly: it's close to other, cooler stuff.

Also, love the t-shirt, but the "I'd rather kick it Southside" is just a little *too* small.

Lexington: Inferior since 1782.

housemdjr said...

I'm not sure its emo enough for that website. try a black shirt instead, that should do it.