Friday, December 7, 2007

Hey Science, Don't Mess with Texas

I've been following this story the last couple days but this is the best headline I've seen. Maybe I'm biased being a scientist/engineer, but when people act like science teachers advocating to teach evolution (which it looks like she didn't even do), that is not an extremist position. To try and give Intelligent Design (which cannot really be tested by any scientific method) equal footing as evolution is an extremist position (usually pushed by those with no experience in science). And for an administrator with 9 years experience + 27 years experience teaching science in the classroom to be fired (I'm sorry, forced to resign) by a boss who never taught, has a political science degree, and most of her experience is working/fund raising for Bush is deplorable. Please leave politics out of our science class (and preferably out of schools in general).

1 comment:

ralfyves said...

That's is the best overview of evolution I've seen in a while, but more importantly, that is the first time that I've seen the evidence for what I always suspected. That intelligent design was just creationism by a new name. Seriously, to see the "Wedge Strategy" memo and the early drafts of the book just show creationism was literally edited with ID were mind blowing. Anyone who claims ID as science now, is just a pawn.