Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Coming up... Seven Weeks of Politicians in my Living Room

...God help us.

So after last night's results, the Democratic Primary will concentrate on the last big prize state, Pennsylvania (I think there's Wyoming and Mississippi between now and then). So now I get to be bombarded with campaign ads, talk, and rallies for the next 7 weeks (I think our primary is on April 22). While the attention might be a little fun (and yet another thumb to eye of Michigan and Florida for moving their primaries up in order to be more important, only to see that hanging back makes you the most important of all), I'm not looking forward to the rhetoric.

1 comment:

orthogirl said...

as an added bonus, every time Obama or Clinton is in Philly, my hospital gets put on special alert call. So if one of them breaks a leg, I'm all over it!