Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas to all...

and if you get cold, be sure you get your Snuggie...

I know I hate it when my arms get "trapped" in my blanket. I love infomercials during Christmas day programming.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Flashbacks or Flashforwards?

I would say I followed pro football most religiously during my high school years. By far my favorite player to watch was Barry Sanders, simply because he could make a 1 yd loss look like the best football play ever and he was always a threat to break it for TD. I was very disappointed when he retired early, but there's hope yet. Here are some clips of the Oklahoma AA State Football Championship game. The first one is vintage Barry Sanders... perhaps because it's Barry Sanders Jr, a freshman.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Insult to Injury

They cancel Pushing Daisies, but they can find a place for f#&@ing Homeland Security USA. Screw you ABC.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Long week...

Thanksgiving was lots of fun. I seemed to spend it playing with nephews or friend's sons and/or hanging out with people who are expecting. Unfortunately I did not get to see Luis LaMachina and his daughter, but hopefully during Xmas.

I was finally able to catch my (then) #3 ranked Louisville Cardinals play basketball on Sunday. First time this year since they don't broadcast games in Philly for some reason, and the first time I got to see the Freshman Phenom, Samardo Samuels. Needless to say, just my luck, they would lay an egg and look absolutely horrible (shooting 27% from the field including 6-30 from 3pt). Samuels was decent when he got the ball, but absolutely posterized trying to dunk when he was blocked. Here's an idea, if you can't hit a 3, try something new. Damnit basketball, you were supposed to be my outlet!

Flew back on Monday to Philly, which meant we were delayed. Had to take j to the airport for a course in Orlando on Tuesday afternoon, which means my insomnia has been with me ever since (I'm pathetic). Have been working on a paper so I've been reading multiple papers that are now a mismatch of random sentences in my head now. Finally sat down to relax last night to witness the absolute shellacking of Louisville football (0-49 at the half!). Ended up watching 'The Right Stuff' on AMC. Made me feel a little better.